About Me

I am Nicoleta Spiridon – your Life Coach!


Like you, I have ups and downs. Sometimes, I am delighted. Other times, I’m sad

I have moments when I feel like I can move mountains. I have days when all I want is to stay in bed.
I was skinny, then very fat, then normal.
I learned what it’s like to lose, what it’s like to get up, what it’s like to start from scratch.
I have known poverty and wealth in equal measure.
I cried, I loved, I hated and I betrayed.
I have endured, tolerated, protected, and hurt.
I supported and abandoned.
I educated and ignored alike.
I shone and set with each day.
I experienced glory and felt the sweet taste of decay.
I am a simple human being!

I am no more than you or others.

I don’t have formulas for happiness, nor can I tell you that it will be easy for you. (What the heck, you just know what life is like!) 

But I can stand by you!

When you can’t anymore. When you don’t want to anymore. When you don’t know what to look for. When you stopped.

I can be your coach!

The one that tells you you can do it. That you have one more step. That you must, first of all things in this world, love yourself. To love others and give yourself to them.

That life is a path of love!

Learn to love yourself again!
Learn to recreate yoursef! Reinvent yourself!

Professional data:

  • Perfume’s addict https://iterodorum.com/
  • Romanian Teacher (high school level) (about 20 years),
  • School Director,
  • Kindergarten Manager,
  • Deputy Director,
  • Book Editor,
  • Education Specialist,
  • Education Consultant,
  • Trainer,
  • Translator,
  • Front Line Agent,
  • Account Assistant,
  • Project Assistant,
  • Life Coach.


Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, specializations Romanian-Latin language

Trainer – CEPECOM

Project Manager – CEPECOM

Office Administration – Cork College of Commerce, Ireland

Mindfulness – Catherine Sutton MA, Ireland

Transcendental Meditation – Cork Ireland (Stewart Luck, Nora Anne Luck)

Reiki Practitioner level 1 & 2 – Centre of Excellence UK

Life Coach Diploma – Centre of Excellence UK

Personal Development Advisor – Athena Center